
Relax, Release, Heal


Reflexology is a holistic practice, which works to release tensions and restrictions within the body. Whether we realise it or not, our emotional well-being plays a huge part in our physical health. Our bodies are capable of holding on to past emotional hurt, regardless of how long ago it occurred.

Without addressing and working through these issues, tensions can build within the body, and that emotional pain can manifest itself into a physical ailment.


ABOUT Reflexology

"Imagine you have a splinter; you can't really see it, but you can feel it. You know that there's a tiny piece of wood in your finger causing you pain. The only way to stop it hurting, is to remove it from your body. If you don't your body will build up protective tissue around it, until the nerves are numb and you can no longer feel the pain the splinter has caused."

In exactly the same way, painful emotional experiences are either freed from the body, or they can become stuck and numb.

Whether you feel that your issue is physical or emotional (or in most cases both) reflexology can help. Sessions aim to ease these problems, helping (over time) to restore you to health and happiness.

“Reflexology is profoundly relaxing”

Working with a reflexologist holistically, in this way, requires working in partnership with one-another. Only you know the unique experiences that have shaped your life so far, so you are the expert on yourself and openness with your therapist to help her focus on the most important aspects for treatment (her expertise) is tantamount to getting the best results.

Please take time to browse this website; and if you’d like to work together to resolve the ache or pain that is troubling you, I’d love to hear from you.


(Reflexologist, Bath UK)

“When you touch one thing with deep awareness, you touch everything.” – Lao Tzu

It’s estimated that 80% of all pain is muscular. Reflexology works by successfully relieving muscular tension and promoting circulation to the muscles. Working in conjunction with the nervous system, reflexology can stimulate the release of endorphins making it a fantastic treatment to aid pain relief.

  • Stress

  • Digestive problems

  • Breathing disorders and respiratory problems

  • Nasal congestion, sinusitis and hay fever

  • Emotional troubles

  • High blood pressure

  • Fertility issues

  • Bereavement

  • Children’s health

  • Trauma

  • Skin conditions

MAINTAINING GOOD HEALTH: Reflexology can be used for proactive healthy living.

​MATERNITY REFLEXOLOGY: Reflexology is frequently used in pregnancy, childbirth, and post-natally.

It’s widely believed that reflexology was practised in Ancient China alongside acupuncture; both of which are forms of energy medicine.

The Incas used a similar treatment and it’s thought their knowledge was passed on to the American Indians who see foot massage as an essential part of their culture: recognising that our feet are our connection with the earth.

The earliest known evidence of treating the hands and feet is a wall painting in an Egyptian pyramid dated about 2,330 BC.

In the Middle Ages pressure point therapy was known to be practised in Europe, and reflexology as we know it today (using pressure points on the hands and feet) has been developed in the West over the last 120 years or so.

reflexologist in bath
rosalind oxenford reflexologist in bath


Based in Lansdown, Bath – Rosalind has many years’ professional experience as a reflexologist since qualifying in 1990. Highly experienced in holistic medicine, with a background in healing and homeopathic training, Rosalind has worked closely alongside acupuncturists, cranial osteopaths and homoeopaths.

She is author of ‘Healing With Reflexology’ and ‘Reflexology for Health and Well-Being’

In addition to general reflexology practice, she specialises in stress and stress related conditions, pregnancy and childbirth (maternity reflexology), post-natal support, family issues and working with children.

“I moved from a career as a school teacher after becoming aware that the usual reason why children were not learning well was not lack of potential, but because their feelings were getting in the way. Trouble, sadness and unhappiness cloud the mind’s ability and the resulting stress is a factor in subsequent illness. This affects us all and I felt drawn to using reflexology as I found it really effective in helping people to achieve well-being and their potential.”

Rosalind, a member of The Association of Reflexologists has also been training reflexologists since 1993, and established her own reflexology school; The Bath Reflexology Centre in 1995. The school has now become the Complementary Therapy College, since she took the decision to retire from teaching and concentrate on her practice in 2013.


Client Story's

Caring and professional, Rosalind gave me a fantastic reflexology treatment at her home clinic in Lansdown, Bath. New to reflexology, I wasn’t sure what to expect – but after one session with Rosalind, I know that I’ll definitely be back for more.
“I just wanted to put down in writing how immensely grateful I am for your wonderful reflexology over the past year. I am in no doubt that it helped to bring little Tommy into the world and through a complicated labour without any sign of difficulty.

Things are a lot more settled now and we will definitely come and see you again soon.”

“We just wanted to write to thank you so much for coming and working your magic on us. True to your word, within an hour and a half of your leaving I had 3 massive contractions back to back, from having no contractions previously, and just over 2 hours later Matty was born!

We were back home a few hours later. It couldn’t have been more perfect. We feel very blessed.

Having never had reflexology before – I am now definitely a convert and am searching for reasons to have more sessions with you so I’m sure we will meet again.

Many, many thanks again, we will be recommending you to all our friends.”

I had a great reflexology treatment with Rosalind. She’s incredibly professional and has years of experience as both a practitioner and a teacher. Her home clinic in Lansdown, Bath was easy to find and in a beautifully, relaxing rural area. Would highly recommend.
“Thank you so much for all the help and support you have given me and for your professionalism.”
“Many thanks for your help and the hope that you gave me at a time when I needed it.”
Reflexologist in Bath

Frequently Asked Questions

Reflexology works using energy pathways in our body. Reflex points on the hands and feet relate to the whole body and

are linked to the pathways. This enables reflexologists to work on areas of the body causing you pain, without ever having to touch the area itself.

For thousands of years humans have been treating mind, body and spirit through energy pathways. With a rise in holistic therapies, and with so many success stories, research is now being done to show (scientifically) the many benefits of energy pathway therapies.

Here’s a little background for you: In the 17th century a doctor called William Harvey rightly suggested that we have a circulatory system of blood vessels running through our bodies. It was previously known that we had blood, but there was no idea of its circulation, as doctors couldn’t see it.

In much the same way, many people (including myself and other holistic therapists) believe that we have energy circulating throughout our bodies (even though we can’t see it) and scientific research is now trying to find ways to measure, discover and verify this process.

Primarily offering reflexology treatments from my home clinic in Lansdown, Bath – Initially we’ll discuss what brings you to the session, for example: illness, stress, personal troubles or a combination of these. We’ll then look at your lifestyle and medical history. Next you’ll be invited to sit in a reflexology chair and remove your shoes and socks (unless you’ve opted for a hand reflexology treatment).

A relaxing massage technique follows, preparing you for your treatment. After the massage, specific reflexes will be worked (encompassing the whole body) with particular focus on those areas which are relevant to your problem.

Some reflex points may feel uncomfortable or tender (we call this an imbalance) and these will be worked on in order to stimulate the body’s healing process and provide relief from your symptoms. All of this is done under your guidance, focusing on what you feel you need. A deeply relaxing massage rounds off your treatment.

After your session you may feel energised, or deeply relaxed. Some people begin to feel changes in their body and mind over the next week or so, as toxins are slowly released. In the long-term further changes will occur: some may be immediate but others can be slower, depending upon the duration and type of problem being treated.

Reflex treatment is cumulative so several weekly sessions will produce faster results than if you were to have the same number of isolated sessions over a longer period of time.

The number of sessions recommended will depend upon the assessment during your initial consultation and will be discussed with you at the end of your first treatment.

Reflexology is brilliant for children as it’s non-invasive – they love it!

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£ 50.00

A one-hour reflexology treatment

  • Available after an introductory session
  • seeking to improve on those areas discussed in the initial consultation.


£ 55.00

Your introductory session (including consultation)

  • 1hr 20 minutes
  • During this time we'll discuss your reasons for seeking reflexology...
  • & you will receive your first treatment


£ 25.00

(up to 16years)

  • Reflexology is brilliant for children as it's non-invasive – they love it!
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Contact Rosalind
To Book Your Initial Session or for more information.

Alternatively give Rosalind a call on 07971 816687 or email


    Rosalind Oxenford Reflexology
    Beachwood Cottage,
    BA1 9DB

    (Near Bath Racecourse)


    Mob: 07971 816687